Massage on the down low…

Okay, I don’t know if anybody uses that phrase anymore, but it popped into my head. My last few blogs have been about marketing to start a massage business and this one will follow suit.

Every day I do something for my business, be it working at getting my technological aspect going, walking into numerous businesses, finding out about advertising, completing paperwork, or whatever needs or might need to be done. I have watched numerous webinars and read numerous sites about how to create a successful massage business and have followed much of the advice from giving out 1/2 price coupons (355 at current count – will go up to 800) to adding meaningful content to my website. I have to  remind myself at times that my business has only been open for 21 days and that it is okay not to have 80-100 customers a week (although that is the end goal – hopefully realistic).

There are two things however that both surprise and frustrate me. The first is the surprising aspect (well, okay maybe three things total). The first is that when those times come where you really don’t want to do something (such as market by walking into business after business, once you start or force yourself to do it some days, it becomes easy and fun a lot of the time. I always find that surprising. Next, which connects to the first surprise is that I learn so much about people. They love to tell you about their work and lives…I spent 20 minutes the other day in someone’s office. I guess it is the art of building relationships – surprising but enjoyable… and hopefully marketable.

The thing that is frustrating me (as I mentioned on my facebook page) is trying to get a top spot using Google. I’m not sure how to get there when keywords such as Massage and Asheville are like trying to get someone to look at a red balloon within a mix of 10,000 other red balloons. 

Any ideas would be welcome!

Thank you!

Total Natural Health Massage